Author: Chaban N., Bain J.,
Stats K.
Title: Political
Frankenstein or Fiscal Gargantua?:
Metaphors of Personification in the Australasian News Reports of the EU Enlargement
Journal: Proceedings of Ural State
Pedagogical University. Linguistics.
Year: 2006
Volume: 19
Pages: 76-94
Language of publication: English
Frankenstein or Fiscal Gargantua?:
of Personification in the Australasian News Reports of the EU
Introduction. Fully understanding the European Union (EU) is believed to be a key problem facing the EU and its citizens. Jean-Christophe Filori,
spokesman for the Commissioner for Enlargement, for example, has argued that [t]he problem is that the EU is
not understood, and there is a need to bridge the gap between the EU and its citizens. Margot Wallström, EU Commission
Vice-President, reiterated this idea, identifying the lack of a common
narrative about the very nature of Europe: the real problem in Europe
is that there is no agreement or understanding about what Europe
is for and where it is going. To
address the issues of the EUs democratic and
communication deficits, a new
communication strategy, also known as Plan-D (where D stands for dialogue,
debate, and democracy), has been devised by EU
policy-makers. Yet, the D-Plan
has neglected one key avenue for a better understanding of the EU, namely, an account of the Unions
external images and perceptions. Arguably, seeing oneself through the eyes of Others may be instrumental in identifying the Self.
Consequently, this paper is intended as an information breakthrough for EU scholars, decision-makers and the general public
interested in the EUs external images and their
implications for the Unions developments and
interactions worldwide.
Average European citizens are believed to know
little about the EU of which their countries are
members, apart from what they read in the press or watch on television news,
and it is argued that this ignorance is likely to be greater amongst outsiders.
In Australasia the EUs
Other that is the focus of this paper the majority of information on the EU comes solely from the news media. Using the cognitive
tool of conceptual metaphor (understood in the tradition of George Lakoff and Mark
Johnson), this paper considers a case study of the EUs
enlargement images in the media discourses of two Australasian countries
Australia and New Zealand. The abundant metaphors located in the media
discourses of the two countries are arguably employed by the local media to
chisel the images of the EU as an important foreign
counterpart to Australasia. Vivid, powerful
and effective, the metaphorical categorisations of
this distant Other are believed to accentuate some of
its conceptual dimensions, and neglect others in order to persuade the local
news audience of a certain image of the EU.
This paper investigates a particular case in
the news media representations of a significant Other the conceptual metaphor
of personification. This conceptual
metaphor is observed to underlie a significant number of linguistic metaphors
located in the news texts of Australia
and New Zealand
reporting the EU in general, and EU
enlargement in particular. This paper argues that the conceptualisation
of the enlarging EU in the public Australasian
discourses is influenced by the metaphorical categorisation
of personification which cements a specific imagery and its long-lasting
evaluations. It is assumed that the images resulting from the dominant metaphoric
categorisation which are widely and frequently
disseminated by mass media in a variety of forms have serious
and genuine implications for the world of foreign affairs, at both the general
public and regional policy-maker levels. According to Joep
though the belief is irrational, the impact of that belief is anything but
Broström, images are extremely rich
and cohesive units of information which convey all their information at once
and which are not easily taken apart. The
qualitative analysis of imagery happens through studies of literal and
metaphorical representations, with metaphorical categorisations
being particularly compelling in cases where the recipients of
information do not have strong opinions beforehand. With most foreign affairs
issues seemingly remote, invisible, unattainable, and, thus largely irrelevant,
metaphorical thought is argued to be most commonly used by the general public
in comprehending international politics. Thus, to show how the complex foreign
policy concept of the EU enlargement is expressed
in the Australasian public discourses, this paper has systemically scrutinised the use of the figurative linguistic device of
metaphor by the producers of international news in the region.
Claimed by Jacques Derrida to be central to philosophy and
thought, the metaphor became a star of discourse in the XXth
century. Theories investigating the phenomenon of metaphor have abounded since
this time. This paper employs a cognitive approach, and more specifically the
notion of conceptual metaphor, in defining and understanding metaphors, as
articulated by George Lakoff
and Mark Johnson. In this approach, the conceptual
metaphor is a complex process in which webs of associated meanings from a
source domain are mapped onto other webs to highlight features of a second
web, the target domain. This mapping routinely and
transparently invokes and reassigns the cognitive structures of source domains,
with the logical and cultural entailments of the conceptual correspondences
being automatically transferred [. For example, the abstract subject of LOVE (target)
is often understood in terms of the very concrete subject matter of WAR (source):
He is known for his many rapid conquests,
She fought for him, but his mistress
won out, He fled from her advances,
She is besieged by suitors, etc..
The conceptual mapping that is applied to the given source-target pairings produces a conceptual metaphor
in the example above it was the conceptual metaphor LOVE IS WAR. In other
words, conceptual metaphors are semantic
mappings that take the form of TARGET DOMAIN IS/AS SOURCE DOMAIN. These mappings
are argued to motivate and frame everyday written and spoken metaphoric
linguistic expressions.
Many thinkers, including the
prominent pairing of Lakoff and Johnson have
highlighted this structuring aspect of conceptual metaphors. In this regard,
the notion of conceptual metaphors parallels the notions developed in previous
research, namely fertile metaphors, constitutive
analogies, scientific paradigms, and root metaphors. The structuring
aspect of the conceptual (or root) metaphor was described by Pepper: A
man desiring to understand the world looks about for a clue to its
comprehension. He pitches upon some area of common-sense fact and tries if he
cannot understand other areas in terms of this one. This original idea becomes
then his basic analogy or root metaphor. He describes as best he can the
characteristics of this area, or, if you will, discriminates its structure. A
list of its structural characteristics becomes his basic concepts of
explanation and description. We call them a set of categories. In terms of
these categories he proceeds to study all other areas of fact whether uncriticized or previously criticized. He undertakes to
interpret all facts in terms of these categories.
Systematic accounts of clusters of linguistic metaphors
reveal the metaphors on the conceptual level. The latter underlie the former,
providing mental structures to interpret a phenomenon under categorisation.
This paper limits its analysis to the conceptual metaphors of personification and their structures tracked in Australasian news texts reporting EU enlargement. The paper uses the definition of the
metaphors of personification formulated by Lakoff and Johnson;
that is, metaphors in which the physical object is
specified as being a person.
Metaphors of personification have been a focus of
scholarly attention through out history. They were observed by the Roman rhetorician Quintilian as far back as
the 1st century AD, when he stated that
the metaphor could transfer from the inanimate realm to the animate. Much
later, Lakoff
and Johnston adopted and developed the notion of personification
in their theory of conceptual metaphors, noting that personification metaphors allow us to comprehend a wide variety of
experiences with nonhuman entities in terms of human motivations,
characteristics, and activities. The aspects of human existence are
countless, and thus the cognitive process of metaphoric categorisation in terms
of personification is extremely
diverse. Clusters of linguistic metaphors produced by this conceptual metaphor
could describe, for instance, some culturally salient phenomena
typical for the socialisation of individuals (e.g. war, family life, romance,
etc), or they may closely relate to the metaphors embodying universal aspects
of human/bodily experience (e.g. physical and emotional well-being of an
individual as well as bodysustenance).
Raymond Gozzi (1999) and George
Lakoff (1991) have both argued
that the metaphor A STATE IS A PERSON
is one of the major metaphors underlying foreign policy concepts. When
described by this particular metaphor, states are seen as having
inherent dispositions and this leads to the description of states as peaceful
or aggressive, responsible or irresponsible, industrious or lazy. We
extrapolate that not only individual states, but other international entities
(e.g. the EU, the United Nations, the World Trade
Organization, etc.) could be conceptualised as a
person engaged in social relations within a world community. This study
clearly recognises that the EU
is not a state; nevertheless, it registers that the media and political
discourses inside and outside the Union
extensively compare the EU to a state in their
literal and metaphorical categorisations. Indeed,
Manners and Whitman claimed that the EU is generally addressed and understood by its external
partners in a capacity similar to that of a state. This perception is
attributed to the EUs complex and globally
unprecedented identity case. Trapped between supranational ambitions and
intergovernmental negotiations, run by an assemblage of wide-ranging political institutions, it is
difficult to comprehend by both journalists reporting the EU
to internal and external audiences and by the local and international news
consumers. Correspondingly, the metaphorical categorisations
located in this study often describe the EU as a
person who lives in a neighbourhood and has neighbours, friends and enemies, it participates in
social interactions, i.e. club, family or romantic relations, and
activities, i.e. war, competition, schooling, gambling, etc. Such conceptualisations
are familiar and immediately recognised, thus their
use in media discourses make a difficult subject easily and readily consumable
by journalists and audiences alike.
Conceptual metaphors are believed to have their own
structures which are used in persuasive discourses namely those of the media
or politics to imply certain conclusions and to affect emotions. Arguably,
metaphors of personification are
exceptionally powerful in this context. These metaphors assist news audiences
to comprehend and interpret the complex and vague concepts of international
politics (the EU in our case) in familiar, everyday
terms, that is, in terms of human interactions and existence. Ultimately,
metaphors of personification may not
only provide a way of thinking about complex concepts and actors of the foreign
policy, but also a way of acting towards them.
Media descriptions of international
activities in terms of actions performed by states as real personalities
prompts news audiences to both form the images of their countries Others and
attach emotional attitudes to those images in the most efficient way. In
emergency situations, those emotive predispositions may lead to audiences
direct feedback to the policy-makers involved in foreign affairs (e.g. anti-war
protests arising after the appearance of revealing images in the media as
happened in the Vietnam War and the more recent Iraq War; Muslim public
protests happening around the word after the publication of a caricature on
religious matters; public actions in Russia following a 24-hour television
newscasts of the images of the Beslan tragedy;
charity initiatives occurring around the globe after the broadcast of the
devastating Asian Tsunami impact; etc.).
Two leading research
questions guide the investigations of this paper:
RQ1: What images of the enlarging EU were
conveyed to the general public by means of the conceptual metaphor of personification
in Australian and New
Zealand news media discourses?
RQ2: How did the deep conceptual structures of personification metaphors contribute to the categorisations of the EU in the two Australasian public discourses and what are
their envisioned consequences for the EUs dialogue
with Australia and New Zealand?
DATA. This paper performs a discursive inter-textual
analysis of the dominant and secondary distribution metaphorical
categorisations framed by a conceptual metaphor of personification
employed in the Australian and New
Zealand news texts reporting EU enlargement. The dominant
metaphors were defined as those which were used with relatively greater frequency and which appeared
in a greater variety of forms. In contrast, metaphors that appeared less
frequently, and with less variety of expression, were labelled
as metaphors of secondary distribution.
Australia and New
Zealand are two neighbouring OECD countries
in the Pacific. Both countries feature numerous historic and cultural links to
Europe in the past and in the present; namely, extensive connections with the UK, a dramatic history of involvement in the two
World Wars in Europe, and perceptible European
profiles of immigration and tourism. In addition, both countries have
substantial economic links to the EU the 25-member EU is among the top three leading trading partners for both
countries, and is one of the largest investors in the Australasian economies.
Yet, despite this commonality of associations with the EU,
the Australian and New
Zealand political attitudes towards the EU differ. The Australian governments alignment with the US position in international politics sometimes
opposes the EUs international stance, which is, in
contrast, often supported by the New Zealand government. The most
visible examples of the differing international stands of the two Australasian
countries are their actions towards the Kyoto Protocol ratification and the war
in Iraq (two international
areas in which the EU and the US are seen to
have opposite positions also). In addition, some internal policies of the two
Pacific nations echo the internal developments of the USA (in the Australian case) and the EU (in the New
Zealand case). These policies primarily
relate to state welfare (New
Zealand shares welfare concerns typical for
some EU states) and human rights issues (Australia,
for example, did not support the linking of human rights and
trade in a Framework Agreement with the EU that was ultimately
aborted in 1997). With these
two differing political paradigms at play in Australasia,
this paper attempts to identify and compare the metaphoric categorisations of personification employed by the
reputable, main-stream news media of the two countries to present EU enlargement.
The largest and the most contentious accession
in EU history of the eight ex-communist countries and
two small Mediterranean states into the Union on May 1 2004 was, inevitably, the most
visible EU event reported in 2004 in both Australia and
New Zealand news media. Drawing on the results of the project
entitled Public, Elite and Media
Perceptions of the European Union in the Asia Pacific Region: A Comparative
Study, this paper content-analysed ten newspapers in the two countries and
four prime time newscasts on Australias and New Zealands most popular
television networks in the acute period of EU
enlargement coverage April-June 2004. Enlargement was found to be a prominent
issue across the entire year; this acute period centers in on the actual
event, as well as including some of the pre-enlargement promotion and
post-celebration analysis.
The five New Zealand
newspapers were found to have published 53 news items on the subject of EU enlargement in
April-June 2004. The Australian sample published 102 articles on the topic
during this period. In both countries these figures constituted almost 9% of
the total coverage of the EU in 2004. The television
sample was 9 news items for New Zealand
(or 41% of all monitored television news on the EU in
2004) and 5 for Australia
(or 33% of all monitored television news).
Four comprehensive sets of metaphoric
expressions located in the print media were compiled -- 219 metaphorical instances
from New Zealand newspapers, 36 from New Zealand television news, 616 from
Australian newspaper articles, and 31 from Australian television news covering
the various aspects of the EU enlargement. Linguistic
metaphors clustered around the conceptual metaphor of personification constituted approximately 38% of sampled metaphors
in Australia and 32% in New Zealand.
The television news sample of metaphors featured personification categorisations in 58% of all metaphoric examples in Australia and 47% in New Zealand.
personification metaphors were operational in cementing two media frames of the
enlarging EU in the Australasian news media. Both of
these frames were conceptually grounded in a
socio-cultural experience of human groupings, more specifically, CLUB and
FAMILY. The former concept was introduced through the EU-15 descriptions as a cultural club of Christian or post-Christian
nations; or as Club Euro with the new member states the newcomers seen to
be entering, arriving, being admitted or taken in. The latter concept was
extensively introduced in metaphors of the larger European family
into which the new member states were integrated.
Club. In the scenario CLUB, the old EU-15
members were represented as picky rich members of a highly selective and
exclusive club, while the new members were described as poor newcomers begging
for access. The old members of
the EU-15 were often depicted as a rich
man's club of privileged,
highly affluent countries. This club was conceptualised
as a desirable space that new members crave to enter and would patiently
wait in a queue or on a list,
lining up to access the so-called garden of Europe.
Before they qualify or are deemed fit for such membership, outsiders
were heard banging on the door. As such, they were seen to be disrupting
the cosy days of a close and like-minded European club while the senior members and old
timers (e.g. Germany,
France, UK) were inside
While the new member states were involved in a struggle to be admitted, the old EU-15 was depicted as a door keeper. In an exclusive space,
metaphors of doors have the potential to be both positive (opening) and
negative (closed). In the Australasian media, the latter was by far the more
prominent version. The EU was seen as opening its
doors to the new members - but not too far. Rather than welcoming
[entrants] with open arms they were seen as welcoming them with the door half
open. Occasionally an inclusive
space, welcom[ing]
and throw[ing] open its doors to newcomers from Eastern
Europe, the EU was more frequently painted as an
exclusive space, or as a heavily guarded fortress looking for any
opportunity to restrict or deny access to the newcomers
actions which caused one commentator to ask if the EU
would ever be willing to open its doors to 60 million of Turkish Muslims.
Family. Just as
the conceptual metaphor of EU as a CLUB encompasses
an inherent duality some members being inside while others are kept out the
scenario FAMILY contains a similar internal opposition. More specifically,
the old EU-15 members were often conceptualised
as older, wiser and richer relatives in this family, dichotomised
to their younger, poorer distant cousins of the new member states who
sometimes lacked sophistication. The
former were seen in the position of accommodating the new relatives in the
European common house. The Australian news presented the accession of the Eastern European
states as their return to [the] European family. The new member
states were seen to be returning home after wandering
in the east. Images of a family were reinforced by the images of a
warm and welcoming space and indeed, there was joy as east [came] in from cold. Members were seen to
be welcomed back with fervour, as they were embraced
by their older cousins.
With the youthful political systems of the prodigal new
member states however, there was an implied need for a parental figure. Some
European politicians auditioned for this role -- former German chancellor Helmut Kohl was labelled as one of the fathers of European
reunification while French President Jacques Chirac
berated the new nations in a parental fashion for their backing
of the United States and Britain in Iraq conflict.
The newly reunited relations were not, however, a close knit family. In
fact, it was suggested that when the leaders of the new 25-nation EU posed for their next family photo even
experienced diplomats [would] struggle to put names to some of the faces. They
were described as a motley collection of the good, the bad and
in some cases the ugly. This family
must have surely been disappointed to learn that their family inheritance was
little more than a series of territorial and ethnic disputes.
Similarly to the Australian news, New Zealand reports also
extensively framed enlargement in terms of family relations. While New Zealand
television reporting showed the warm welcome that the new member states
received to the extent that parties were thrown in their honour
newspaper commentators were more wary, instead predicting that future
problems awaited the enlarged European Union family. References to
the EU as a family invoked
descriptions of the new member states as the poorer cousins vying for
a place at an already-overcrowded table. Anything
but a happy family, the EU-15 was seen
welcoming the new member in a chilly manner. Fretting over the
possibility of a flow of migrants from the Eastern European countries, EU-15 governments hastily erected restrictions against the
incoming members of their European family.
Commentators also predicted that future problems awaited the enlarged European
Union family.
The members of the newly expanded EU family
was described by both Pacific countries media as having a variety of physical
problems. The old member states were implicitly compared to geriatrics in need
of a boost of energy, which many believed could be provided by the youthful
new member states. The old timers themselves suffering
from economic sclerosis and political paralysis, were seen to be in need
of revival,
and a boost. The new member states were considered to be an infusion
of new blood and energy invigorating and strengthening
the EU. The impact of EUs
largest expansion was seen to inject some much-needed energy into
the EU zone economies -- a lifeline strengthening
the Union as a whole and its new members
Yet, the Australian media prognosis was not completely positive. In the
opinion of the Australian media more pain lies ahead for the EU member states. The EU was
described as weak economically, and weak on the world stage and said to
be suffering
from growing pains as a result of the enlargement. These sufferings
were exacerbated by the fact that enlargement coincided with the final throes
of a painful debate about the Union's
new constitution. The enlargement process was sometimes portrayed as a
premature baby the birth of the world's biggest trading
bloc had come too soon. This creature was sometime seen as ugly and even
artificially conceived the EU was compared to
political Frankenstein.
Moreover, the Eastern European newcomers were shown as suffering from
all sorts of hangover problems of the communist era immediately after
independence. After a shock therapy treatment by
market-oriented reforms, the eight ex-communist states have gradually
revived their economies. For
example, Bulgaria was once
dubbed the sick man of Europe,
but in its progress towards joining the EU it was
seen to be slowly revived. Slovakias
pre-enlargement economic reforms were shown as causing the state to degenerate,
but timely speeded-up reforms stopped the destructive process. But they were
also learning that theres still a lot of pain associated with
joining the EU. Moreover, the older EU members seemed to possess a contagious disease,
threatening to infect the new with their political squeamishness
and discord.
New Zealand news
focused mostly on the enlargement outcomes for the EU-15,
and its diagnosis was largely gloomy. Old member states were seen as most
likely to suffer from Enlargement in terms of rising unemployment and an
overloaded social-welfare system. Their prosperity was seen as being at
threat, haemorrhaged by an exodus of jobs to
the East. Pre-enlargement support for enlargement on behalf of the established
members was seen as fading fast; the EU-15 was giving birth to a baby which was premature
and far too big a bite. With the old members economies perceived as weak, the
fear of excessive immigration could cause Europe
to miss out on its biggest chance for a shot of energy in years.
Moreover, with 10 fledgling new members incorporated in to the EU body, it was feared that the enlarged Union
would wind up in paralysis.
Metaphors of well-being include images of food and consumption which, it
transpired, were intimately related to human well-being. The EU was compared
to a fiscal Gargantua, yet, even with
this vast size, digesting the latest batch of members was likely to take the EU some time. If it recovered from its most recent meal,
the Unions possible future consumption of Turkey
would be the toughest of all to digest, although some also thought that Russia promised
the biggest
and most indigestible lump that the EU might
ever try to swallow. Thus, the huge
task of integrating the 10 new members was predicted to dampen any appetite for
further growth.
While the future of Europe was not a
pretty sight according to some Australian observers, others felt that
the enlargement had given the EU a new
face worth celebrating. Enlargement was dramatically
altering the profile of the union. This changing face of Europe was seen likely to result in considerably enhanced
business environments and market opportunities. After its facelift, it was
suggested that the EU might be able to find work on
the global catwalk, acting as a model for other regional power blocs in Asia,
the Pacific, South America and Africa.
In the past, Australia
was said to be in a ménages à
trois with America
and Asia, while Europe could not even get
in the bedroom. It had been hard for Europe to get a look-in under the
shadow of Asia, but now Europe had become too big for Australia to
ignore. The made-over newest EU debutants
with their business potential were wetting the corporate lips
of Australian business. The new member states were seen as becoming an even closer
and a more attractive partner for Australia in political, economic
and cultural domains. Little wonder then that Australian politicians like
foreign minister Alexander Downer and shadow foreign minister Kevin Rudd
were on a post-enlargement mission to court Europe.
The scenario of romantic relations was also used to describe the
attitudes between old and new member states. Prior to the enlargement, the
Central and Eastern European states were portrayed as pursuing romantic relations
with a sometimes reluctant EU. The Australian press
reporting enlargement employed the metaphor of romantic relations abundantly.
Proclamations such as Europes getting reunited and [t]oday, Europe unites,
implied the celebration of marriage, or re-marriage, as the case may be. Keen to consummate the union and start a
family, the new members were looking into adopting the euro. Moreover, the EU was honouring its commitment
to Russia as it entered a
new affair with Eastern and Central Europe. Russia, however, was left with conflicting
feelings, yearning to be included in Europes
wide embrace and fearing being left behind.
The new members were said to have embraced the free
market more enthusiastically than their western colleagues with Hungary in
particular a very keen suitor for the EU. It was said
to be follow[ing] its heart back into Europe, and promoted itself as a stable partner whose enthusiasm for the EU was hard to miss. In the Polish case, the EU private sector was on a romantic prowl, eyeing up
the lucrative opportunities presented by Poland's large, educated workforce
and a growing economy. Yet, this European affair was not presented in the
Australian media as a smooth one. Europes
ability to find enthusiasm for new prospects, and curiosity
about each other was questioned by some observers. While the new
member states were determined to maintain their partnership with the EU, the old member states were less committed to the
relationship. The EU-15 was shown warmly embrac[ing] the leaders
of nine of the new EU members but giv[ing] a
cold shoulder to the 10th, Cyprus; the Czech Republic was noted to
have endured a strained relationship with Europe in the past.
On-going political instability in the new members made them difficult
negotiating partners. The newcomers were also noted to be partners of
standing -- The Economist
was cited by an Australian newspaper as saying it will be decades before the
new entrants become as rich as
their partners to the west. The wannabe-states were sometimes seen as
engaged in romantic squabbles with each other en-route to joining the EU. For example 2007-enlargement candidates, Bulgaria and Romania,
were seen as lobbying for divorce Bulgaria
wanting its negotiations to be decoupled from Romania.
The New Zealand
press did not prioritise this metaphor of romantic
relations, but once the metaphor was used, it presented the relations mostly in
negative terms. Before enlargement, the poor and politically unstable Eastern
European states were kept at arm's length from the old EU. After enlargement, new strains between the
rich west Europeans and the poorer east Europeans were observed. The EU Casanova
was seen not as giving kisses but instead empty promises.
This problematic relationship was marked by rows and spats,
squabbling over budgets and
subsidies and tackling looming disputes
over power and money in what seemed like an endless bunfight
despite the recent reunion. While the EU is often said
to be using carrots as incentives to encourage the necessary reform for full
membership, here it was said to be taunting the new member states with
the promise of full unification. There was also in-fighting within the new
member states as a result of the enlargement and even Russia was getting in on the act, dig[ging]
in its heels over the conditions of the sizeable Russian communities in
Latvia and Estonia.
As a result, the Unions new parts and its old were reported as having mixed
feelings about what this change will mean for them and for Europe. Even though some commentators observed that joy
has given way to apprehension and even hostility
on the part of both the old and new member states, it was predicted in
Australian reports that enthusiasm should vastly outweigh
the anxiety. Accompanying enlargement, anxiety was seen as inevitable. For
some smaller new member states (e.g. Malta),
the enlargement invited fears about being overwhelmed or wiped
out by a larger Europe. For other larger
newcomers (e.g. Poland),
enlargement resulted in a feeling of being betrayed by the EU's decision to postpone the full extent of subsidies for
new members for 10 years.
In many of the older EU states, the
reunification of the continent brought a fear of migrants from the former
communist states. This fear resulted in a public hysteria about the
inability of the old EU government to restrict access
to public housing and benefits for newcomers. Naturally, several existing EU members were observed to be in a grudging mood -- many of
those states became much less confident about
Images of relations coloured intensively with
effects and emotions were among the most visible categorisations
in the New Zealand
reports of the enlargement. It was dominated by images of mutual fears ruling the relations between old and new
member states. The mood of the citizens in the 15 established EU nations towards enlargement was either indifferent
or afraid
enlargement inspired more angst than euphoria. Possible
immigration from the new member states put various old member states (e.g. the UK and Ireland) in a state of hysteria
for months. To calm frayed nerves, the
Geneva-based International Organisation for Migration (IOM) was reported to be
releasing a series of studies on the impact of EU
enlargement on both accession and existing members of the union. The
citizens of the EU-15 were seen spooked by hysteria over
a migration wave. New states were
shown as being similarly uneasy about the outcomes of enlargement, albeit for
different reasons. Populist politicians
in Eastern Europe were seen to be stirring
up worries, and, as a result, myths about EU
excesses turned into scare stories.
The dominant metaphors of personification then, encompassing the images of the EU as a club and as a family, were found to be riddled with
oppositions and contradictions. In Club Euro a club renowned for its
exclusivity and selectiveness the richness and maturity of the old members
was contrasted with the youth and poverty of the newcomers. This contrast was
emphasised by the depictions of doors being half opened or left closed,
symbolising the restrictive nature of an elite club, as well as the guarding
role of the seasoned members in the admission process. In the European
family, these parallels and contrasts continued in the dichotomy between the
youthful vigour of the new members sometimes bringing with it a lack of
sophistication and gaucheness and the older (and wiser, it was assumed, yet lacking
energy and enthusiasm) parental figures of the existing EU-15
member states. The relations between the two family parts were often strained
and at many times deteriorated into fighting and bickering.
DISTRIBUTION. The dominant metaphors of personification of
club and family were supported by some occasional metaphors which added
extra flavour to the image of the social
activities of the enlarging EU in the European
community. In New Zealand
those occasional metaphors of personification were enlargement as a shopping pastime, enlargement as a game, and enlargement
as intellectual/scientific activity. For example, new EU
members were seen as being busy while welfare shopping.
Enlargement was also presented as a game in which new members were seen as both
gaining something, but also at the same time losing
something.'' In this game, the EU
face[d] daunting challenges to raise the newcomers' economic
standards to those of Western Europe.
In addition, the enlarging EU was seen as embarking
on its most ambitious political experiment. Tony Blair
was cited as comparing the accession of ten new members to a catalyst
for change within the EU. Post-enlargement
immigration was also described like a difficult task to which Brussels should come up with a
solution quickly. If the solution was not found, it was thought that
the EU could squander what should be the economic
opportunity of the decade.
Similarly to New
Zealand press, Australian newspapers viewed
the accession of ten new members as a scientific/research/schooling activity in
which enlargement was seen as catalyst for sudden progress on
economic and strategic challenges and a new chapter in
European history. New member states were compared to the elements of the complex
jigsaw of the EU. The image of shopping also
surfaced the enlarged EU was seen as a one-stop-shop
for doing business in 25 diverse economies.
In contrast to the New Zealand discourse, the Australian media visibly
profiled enlargement as a dramatic performance on the stage the shift of EU borders eastward and southward was dramatic,
the risks of investment in central European countries was dramatically
reduced, and the world's political geography was going through the most dramatic
redrawing since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The success of the new member
states was seen as depending on how they perform as EU members compared with the way they performed
outside it. Some newcomers, for example, Estonia, were labelled
as an outstanding performer among the EU
transition economies. Slovakia's
role on the international scene was also seen as
becoming more important. A new, bigger EU, was
sometimes seen as a showbiz promoter, promoting a more peaceful
world [as well as] a more democratic one.
Australian newspapers also introduced a metaphorical image complimentary
to the metaphor of well-being and sustenance the metaphor of awaking from the
sleep. Enlargement awoke the EU to
the realities of a long list of political, economic and social challenges; new
member states were waking up from the big Soviet sleep;
and the removal of many tariffs and barriers to foreign investment in the new
Eastern European countries was awakening the interest of
overseas firms.
While the imagery created by the dominant metaphors of personification were notably conflictual in nature, the secondary metaphors were more
light hearted and congenial. Metaphors of enlargement relating to shopping,
game playing, stage performing and other intellectual and scientific pursuits
arguably differed from the split-and-clash images accompanied by the negative
connotations found with the dominant enlargement metaphors of the EU as a club and as a family. Yet, the secondary metaphors,
due to their relatively low frequency in the news texts, do not provide a true
balance to the dominant ones, and thus, the resulting categorisations
do not counter the images of intense opposition that the latter induce.
Nevertheless, both clusters provide key imagery of the EU
as a person acting in everyday environments, making the complex political
concept of enlargement at once recognisable and
DISCUSSION. This paper examined a particular case of metaphorical
categorisation at work the conceptual metaphor of personification in a
persuasive discourse of news media. This analysis operated on the assumptions
that foreign news discourses feature abundant linguistic metaphors, and that the
conceptual metaphors of personification underlie a significant part of
the metaphorical corpus found in the news texts. Correspondingly, this research
located several prolific clusters of surface metaphors framed by the conceptual
metaphor of personification in the Australian and New Zealand
news reporting EU enlargement.
Lakoff and Johnson observed that
personification is a general category that covers a very wide range of
metaphors, each picking out different aspects of a person or ways of looking at
a person. What unites those categorisations is that, with their help, we can understand complicated phenomena
(foreign policy notions included) on the basis of our own motivations, goals,
actions, and characteristics. Arguably,
the conceptual metaphor of personification described EU
enlargement, a complicated and controversial European development, in familiar
and user-friendly terms for the international audiences outside the Union. The
metaphor of personification, being common and recognisable, carries
strong contextualised emotional connotations and results in powerful pragmatic
implications. The media images of nations and international bodies (the EU in our paper) as real personalities involved in
various predominantly conflicting relations outline the network of
connections in the world neighbourhoods.
In this study, the expanding EU was
prominently described in terms of human associations -- club and family -- with
their members pictured as being involved in complex relations, interacting with
each in a feisty way, experiencing mixed emotions and having health problems.
The employed metaphorical categorisations
highlighted the conflicting, dramatic and negative aspects of enlargement using
the familiar everyday scenarios of club and family. That was observed on
both macro- and micro-levels. The former level is the level of
the concepts definition -- the concept of a
club represents an association of people based on selective membership and common
interests opening its doors for a chosen few; in contrast, notions of family
represent the unconditional and accommodating welcoming of all members. The latter level of the clashing imagery was
observed within the frames scenarios. Both metaphors -- ENLARGING EU AS CLUB and ENLARGING EU AS
FAMILY-- implicitly separated the old and new Member States into clearly
differing and opposing roles. For
example, the old states were seen as older, wiser, richer relatives or members
of a club in the position of authority able to admit or deny the access to the
common European house of the poorer and younger new Member States. The EU-15 members had a choice to greet the newcomers in either
a welcoming or a chilly manner; while the new EU were striving to join the association by any means. The EU-15 Member States were described as old and weak, while
the ten newcomers were pictured as youthful and energetic. In addition, the
family frame brought to the foreground the dramatic aspects of battered
relations, poor health and emotional discomfort for both new and old members.
Raymond Gozzi argued that the role of the metaphor is to promote some aspects of the
phenomenon being described, while at the same time, pushing other aspects back
into the shadows, to be ignored and forgotten. Arguably, commercial
imperatives, dictating to news media a preference for negativity and conflict,
turn the image of the outside world (the EU in our
case) into a matrix of opposing and conflicting elements with a negative charge
to them. The alternate positively-loaded imagery (equally possible within the
club or family frames) was not dominant in the monitored news texts in both
Australasian countries. While accounting for the most prominent categorisations
motivated by the conceptual metaphor of personification, this paper also
aimed to illuminate those aspects downplayed or ignored by the news makers.
Metaphors are not, as Richard
Bailey suggests, immutable, and,
ideally, critical news makers and news consumers should be able to challenge
those established, re-cycled and ready-to-wear images.
It is true, however, that haute-couture
metaphors are not likely to be featured on a regular basis in daily news media
texts. The limitations in news production, including news writers skills, the
news readers preference for familiar and recognisable images, as well as their
resistance to re-categorise already established mental structures. These
limitations make the inclusion of the less-known imagery in news discourse be
more difficult. Yet, the perpetuation of the negativity and conflict in the prêt-a-porter media imagery of EU
enlargement threatens to leave a long-lasting imprint in public opinion and
thus contributes to the creation of a stereotype. Stereotype here is understood as a group concept held by one social group about another which is used
frequently to justify certain discriminatory behaviours. Gozzi alerts us to the
knowledge that the conceptual metaphors of personification may provide
a misleading sense of purpose and unity to the complex manoeuvrings of foreign
policy and diplomacy, which are after all, the resultants of many conflicting
groups and interests.
Historically, economically and culturally, the
ten newcomers to the EU do not share much in common
with Australia and New Zealand. Although both countries have experienced
immigration from the ten new EU Member States, the
numbers of immigrants (compared with other European countries) are low.
Ideological differences between the two OECD Pacific states and eight
ex-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe
have obstructed more intense political, economic and cultural exchanges during
the Cold War years. In trading terms, neither Australia
nor New Zealand
has prioritised their links with the eight formerly socialist states. Malta and Cyprus
are two exceptions in this case as members of the Commonwealth they have
traditionally enjoyed greater links to Australia
and New Zealand.
With the degree of personal interaction and
interpersonal communication of Australians and New Zealanders with the EU newcomers being low, the news media remains a leading
source of information on the EU. Arguably, the
imagery highlighted in this paper is likely to influence public attitudes of
both Australia and New Zealand
towards their countries interactions with an enlarging EU. The image of the EU
member states, for example, as selective and snobbish members of an exclusive
club, protective and watchful of their association, conveys the idea that any
outsider might have difficulties in accessing fortress Europe should the need
arise. Likewise, the images of a squabbling family render the idea that there
is potential for outsiders to get caught up in the internal EU
Yet, the controversy discovered in micro-
and macro-level of metaphorical framing implies that there is an
ambivalent background to the public perception. The family of the EU was still sharing its common house, occasionally
opening doors, embracing newcomers, and throwing celebrations in their honour. The
ten EU newcomers were seen being full of enthusiasm,
energy and vigour, arguably able to revive the old EU.
Moreover, the controversial twist to the metaphorical imagery allowed the
Australasian media discourses to communicate the message that the EU still matters to the Pacific region. Although the EU-25 members were portrayed as being physically unwell,
they were not featured as carrying any infectious disease that was dangerous
for outsiders. A bigger EU was sometimes seen as weak, deprived of energy or in
pain, but in no way was it shown to be transmitting those ills outside the Union. The expanded EU may have
been depicted as engulfed in negative emotions of fear and panic, but those
emotions were not projected onto the outsiders. Moreover, the EUs make-over attempts were registered to be appreciated
by the outsiders (Australia
and New Zealand
in our case). It is not surprising that the images of romantic relations
entered the EU enlargement news in the domestic
CONCLUSION. The EUs current preoccupation with creating its own brand
(foreseen as to be instrumental in successful communication of its policies to
its citizens) has neglected the contribution of external public opinion to the
branding process. This paper aimed to highlight the peculiarities of the EUs imagery created outside the Unions
borders. It also attempted to alert the stakeholders about the stereotypes of a
newly enlarged EU currently being cemented around the
world. The paper scrutinised two cases Australian
and New Zealand
news media representations of EU enlargement by means
of the conceptual metaphor of personification. The dramatic and potent
imagery resulting from this conceptualisation, as
well as the pragmatic implications arising from the use of these images in the
regional public discourses, prompts the need for a systematic and regular
account of the EUs representations worldwide.
Without this, the EUs public diplomacy, the current
Cinderella of the EUs global engagement, runs the
risk of never making it to the ball of international affairs.
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